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Books, articles and websites we recommend


The European Union

​Chris Bickerton, The European Union: A Citizen’s Guide (Penguin, 2016)

​James Heartfield, The European Union and the End of Politics (Zero Books, 2013)

​Chris Bickerton, European Integration: From Nation States to Member States (Oxford University Press, 2012)

​Costas Lapavitsas, The Left Case Against the EU  (Polity, 2018)

Supranational Constitutionalism​

​Danny Nicol, The Constitutional Protection of Capitalism (Hart, 2010)

Political Economy

​Philip B Whyman, The Left Case for Brexit (Civitas, 2018) 

​Philip B Whyman and Alina Petrescu, The Economics of Brexit: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the EU’s Relationship with the UK (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017)

​William Mitchell and Thomas Fazi, Reclaiming the State: A Progressive Vision of Sovereignty for a Post-Neoliberal Order (Pluto, 2017)

​Wolfgang Streeck, Buying Time: The Delayed Crisis of Democratic Capitalism (Verso, 2014)

British Politics and Political Culture

​David Goodhart, The Road to Somewhere: The Populist Revolt and the Future of Politics (Hurst, 2017)

​Harold Clarke, Matthew Goodwin and Paul Whiteley, Why Britain Voted to Leave the European Union (Cambridge University Press, 2017)

​Simon Winlow, Steve Hall and James Treadwell, The Rise of the Right: English Nationalism and the Transformation of Working Class Politics (Policy Press, 2017)


Briefings for Brexit

Academic and expert commentary from a pro-Brexit perspective

Trade Unionists Against the EU

The main labour movement organisation opposing the European Union, today, building on the long legacy of trade union opposition to European integration, beginning with Anti Common Market, through Trade Unionists Against Maastricht, Trade Unionists Against the Single Currency, Trade Unionists Against the EU Constitution, and No2EU

55 Arguments for Lexit

A compendium of articles by left-wing authors advocating for Brexit, compiled by Alan Johnson

Corporate Europe Observatory

Research into the dominance of the EU by corporate power.

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