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Proposals and Think-Pieces for Post-Brexit Britain and Europe

The Full Brexit does not have a "party line"; posts reflect the views of their authors only. We welcome contributions from anyone sharing the values of our founding statement.

#12 - Moving Towards Socialism: Economic Reform, Popular Sovereignty and the Nation-State

Costas Lapavitsas

If the British left is truly serious about wanting to build socialism, it must support Brexit, implement swinging economic reforms, and recommit itself to popular sovereignty and commanding the levers of national power.

28 August 2019

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#11 - Quit the Customs Union

Richard Johnson

Growing clamour to remain within the EU's Customs Union, especially from the Labour Party, ignores the longstanding left-wing case against the Customs Union, writes Richard Johnson. Far from being internationalist, it is protectionist, hurts developing countries, and strips us of the right to protect public services and uphold other important left-wing values.

4 April 2019

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#10 - The Full Brexit: There is an Alternative to Brexit in Name Only

Lee Jones, Peter Ramsay, Anshu Srivastava and Mary Davis

Government and opposition disarray over Brexit, reflecting their entrenchment in EU structures, is driving the UK towards Brexit in Name Only. But leaving the EU is no fantasy: we can achieve a clean break with the EU and regain popular sovereignty. This article explains how, detailing the contents of a Withdrawal Agreement and future relationship.

22 July 2018

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#9 - Fix the Broken British Growth Model

Chris Bickerton

The British growth model is broken, and a Full Brexit is needed to fix it. A report for Policy Exchange argues that Britain must shift from an economy based on consumption, high net migration and low-wage employment, which European integration has helped to entrench, to one driven by investment, innovation and exports.

23 July 2018

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#8 - Extend Public Ownership

Danny Nicol

Contrary to mainstream “Corbynista” opinion, the problems of capitalism cannot be resolved merely by an anti-austerity level of state spending. Structural change in our economy is necessary to create the egalitarian society craved by the British Left. Leaving the EU creates the opportunity for this radical change in economic management.

29 June 2018

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#7 - Adopt a Federal UK Constitution

Martin Loughlin

The Brexit vote has exposed and intensified Britain's constitutional crisis, but also created a great opportunity to revive the democratic foundations of the British state. The best way forward is to create a federal constitution, turning Westminster into an English parliament and creating a new federal tier of government.

22 June 2018

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#6 - The Irish Border: Passing Brexit’s Acid Test of Sovereignty

Peter Ramsay and Chris Bickerton

Contrary to Remainer opinion, it is possible to solve the question of the Irish border using technology already used elsewhere in Europe. The barriers to doing this are not technical, but political: deploying this technology would require Britain to reaffirm its sovereignty over Northern Ireland – to fully take responsibility for governing this part of the country.

12 June 2018

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#5 - Do Not Hold a Second Referendum

Martin Loughlin

Calls for a second referendum make no sense constitutionally or politically. The idea that the first referendum would be binding was never contested at the outset, only subsequently, by bitter, undemocratic Remainers unwilling to accept the verdict. Overturning the result will be politically disastrous, unleashing a wave of populist reaction.

11 June 2018

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#4 - Open Up Immigration to Non-EU Citizens

Chris Bickerton

Brexit should give the UK control over its border and immigration policy. But rather than implying xenophobia, this can be an opportunity to open Britain’s borders to anyone who wants to work here – not just European citizens. Brexit is an opportunity for the UK to decide whether it wants to be a society that is open or hostile to immigration, and draw up its own laws accordingly.

11 June 2018

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#3 - Forget “Bespoke Deals”, We Need a Full Brexit

Chris Bickerton and Richard Tuck

Two years after the referendum, the UK is still seeking a special deal with the EU while still enjoying new freedoms outside of it. This circle cannot be squared. If Brexit is to create an opportunity for genuine economic renewal, the UK should aim for a basic trade agreement and direct its energies towards more fundamental domestic reforms.

11 June 2018

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#2 - Quit the Single Market

Costas Lapavitsas

Many on the British left are trying to minimise the impact of Brexit by campaigning to remain within the Single Market. This is tragically misguided. The Single Market imposes massive constraints on economic policymaking, which any leftist should reject. The only way to break with the disastrous paradigm of neoliberalism is to quit the Single Market and adopt a radically different set of regulations and policies.

11 June 2018

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#1 - Give EU Nationals Resident in Britain Full British Citizenship

Chris Bickerton and Peter Ramsay

The unresolved status of EU nationals living in Britain after the EU referendum is scandalous, creating deep anxiety among millions of people. However, the EU's demand to retain legal jurisdiction over Britain to protect these people is equally scandalous. The issue should be resolved by offering EU nationals fast-track British citizenship.

11 June 2018

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